Monday 29 October 2012

Transport technology

As part of room 8's transport learning we understand that technological outcomes are products developed by people and have a functional nature. In groups we discussed and planned the steps and materials needed to construct a model that would transport a person. Below are some images of learning in our groups and the design taking place. In our next blog will be testing the finished products. PS; we had an awesome time and want to thank Woody - the caretaker, Becky - Max's mum, Nicola - Ryan's mum and David - Max's Grandad, for helping with construction as well as a tremendous thank you to Paul - Conner & Flynn's dad & Ryan's dad for providing many of the materials required & the hours put in to give us a head start and make it possible for the success of our technological models !


  1. Wow, they look fantastic! Charlotte said it was fun making them and getting to test them out:)

  2. Awesome go carts everyone, looks like you had heaps of fun creating them and riding them. Great team work! Toma's Mum

  3. Hi room 8... what an amazing job you did with your go-carts, I especially love the paint work. From Jo (Connor and Flynns Aunty):)

  4. Wow guys, they look awesome, bet it was heaps of fun making them and racing them. Kim - Sam's Mum
